Dear Scott and Ashlea G, congratulations to the arrival of your son Toby and we wish you many wonderful moments ahead.

In these busy and different times, AMVS steps in when you need to replace the existing vehicle with a new one for the growing family as smoothly as possible.

The Golf sourced and delivered to Scott by AMVS 2 years ago needed to be replaced with a larger vehicle and latest safety technology. Scott and Ashlea decided on the Skoda Karoq and that was all what was required - AMVS took over, sourced the vehicle, negotiated the best possible price for the Skoda and the trade in Golf, arranged a seamless changeover into the new vehicle and only drive away.

The smiles tell it all - happy and safe travels and thank you for purchasing the 4th vehicle for the Gould and Thompson family.

And welcome to the AMVS family Toby. We are thrilled with your arrival and look forward when we may source your first vehicle in 17 years and a few months!